Reflex WMS: Retail Warehouse Management Software

Ensuring that your products are available throughout your sales channels is key to satisfying your network of stores and the end consumer. Tailored to the needs of medium and large general and specialist stores, our warehouse management software helps you to achieve a reliable, responsive and agile logistics system.

Reflex WMS provides a comprehensive response to retailers’ logistics challenges:

  1. Managing thousands of items with a wide variety of constraints
  2. Integrating all supply processes: long and short circuits, just-in-time flows, stored flows, call-off stocks
  3. Optimizing multi-warehouse and multi-channel logistics flows (stores, e-commerce, drive-through collection, direct from supplier)
  4. Maintaining margins by optimizing logistics flows as well as storage and transport costs


A customizable and open WMS for retailers

Reflex WMS’ numerous configuration options for managing your incoming goods, order picking, stocks, shipments and transport enable you to fully adapt the tool to your activities. To increase your productivity, our software interfaces with most warehouse mechanization systems (WCS).

Pooling of logistics flows

The division by activity grouped in our warehouse management software makes it easier to pool your flows (when products are compatible) throughout the supply chain (upstream of, downstream of and in the warehouse).

Compliance with regulations and traceability

Reflex WMS takes into account applicable regulations according to the product type (alcohol, use-by date, guaranteed date contract) and provides end-to-end traceability of goods flows.

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