Reflex WMS: Warehouse Management System for spare parts logistics

The spare parts market is growing rapidly, buoyed by the extension of manufacturers' warranties. Reflex WMS helps companies in this market to implement a reliable and responsive logistics system which minimizes stock levels for repairers.

With Reflex WMS, we help companies in the spare parts sector (automotive, IT, industrial and medical equipment, household electrical goods, etc.) to meet their main challenges:

  1. Manage an enormous number of items which vary greatly in terms of size, weight, rotation rate, etc.
  2. Have the right spare part at the right time to repair the end customer’s product as quickly as possible
  3. Prepare and deliver numerous orders within a very short timeframe, often several times a day
  4. Reduce logistics costs, transport costs and delivery times
  5. Automate returns and non-compliant items management

A comprehensive and open WMS

Reflex WMS is designed for logistics providers and manufacturers alike. It can be adapted to any context: single or multi-warehouse, BtoB or BtoC customers, different preparation methods (e-commerce, pre-packing). It can be interfaced with third-party systems: ERP, after-sales, CRM, logistics warehouse mechanization.

Preparation and delivery in just a few hours

Reflex WMS optimizes preparation and goods availability times: our software automates the processing and directing of orders according to the quantity ordered, the level of urgency, the delivery location, the selected carrier or the distribution channel.

End-to-end management of stocks and logistics flows

Our warehouse management software provides you with a real-time overview of inventory and physical movements to provide an accurate response to the end customer.

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