White Paper | E-commerce logistics: 10 challenges and 10 solutions with a WMS

The value proposition of e-commerce for consumers is not only focused on offering competitive prices, but it is a complete offering with a wide range of products, flexible delivery times (24 hour shipping, express mail, standard) and services such as free returns and personalization options (wrapping paper, engraving objects, etc.). In order to be able to offer all these possibilities and to guarantee a quality service, e-commerce companies rely on innovative and complex logistics.

Warehouses are at the heart of a new and highly demanding logistics offer. In order to achieve profitable logistics and excellent services, pure players and retailers with omnichannel logistics need appropriate technological tools to strengthen their growth. Given the specifics of e-commerce logistics in warehouses, choosing an appropriate warehouse management system makes a big difference when it comes to increasing productivity and reducing costs. Therefore, in this white paper you will find the 10 most recurring logistics challenges in e-commerce warehouses and 10 solutions that a WMS offer you to overcome these challenges and distinguish yourself from your competitors.

In this white paper, you will learn about:

  • Shortening delivery times
  • Picking optimization
  • Order customization
  • Controlling automated equipment and robotics
  • Labor management
  • Reducing training times
  • Reverse logistics
  • … And much more!

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