Reflex Logistics: Supply Chain and Logistics Software

Optimize and connect your entire logistics network with end-to-end software solutions.

Advanced WMS features

Labour Management System

Monitor worker performance, improve task assignment, and boost productivity.

WCS Master

Integrate all automated systems with the WMS and coordinate all your resources for maximum efficiency.

Transportation management

Reduce transport costs, optimize loading, and improve service level.

Voice picking

Go eyes- and hands-free for faster, safer picking and fewer errors.

European leader
What do our customers say?

“By introducing Reflex WMS alongside automated warehouse systems, we’ve achieved productivity and service standard gains across all our processes—from incoming deliveries and storage, to order picking, shipping and returns”.

Patrice Fitzner
Logistics Director, La Redoute

“Since 2018, we’ve built a fully fledged partnership with Hardis Group based on co-innovation and the inclusion, in Reflex WMS, of new features tailored to our specific priorities”.

Ludovic Doudard
General Manager Process Engineering Supply Chain, Renault Group

“With Reflex WMS, we’re well placed to meet our strategic objectives: processing higher volumes, boosting B2C and B2B sales, and growing our business internationally”.

Victor Schieber
Logistics & Transport Lead at ManoMano

“Reflex WMS excels in usability and its core functionalities can easily be extended to create a solution that can fit your business needs 100%”

Harm Jans
WMS Business Lead,

“By introducing Reflex WMS alongside automated warehouse systems, we’ve achieved productivity and service standard gains across all our processes—from incoming deliveries and storage, to order picking, shipping and returns”.

Patrice Fitzner
Logistics Director, La Redoute

“Since 2018, we’ve built a fully fledged partnership with Hardis Group based on co-innovation and the inclusion, in Reflex WMS, of new features tailored to our specific priorities”.

Ludovic Doudard
General Manager Process Engineering Supply Chain, Renault Group

“With Reflex WMS, we’re well placed to meet our strategic objectives: processing higher volumes, boosting B2C and B2B sales, and growing our business internationally”.

Victor Schieber
Logistics & Transport Lead at ManoMano

“Reflex WMS excels in usability and its core functionalities can easily be extended to create a solution that can fit your business needs 100%”

Harm Jans
WMS Business Lead,
Ready to take your supply chain to the next level?

Request a demo or contact our experts.